What’s Next When The Louder Voices Prevail?

Am I the only one exhausted right now? Am I the only one who has written a thousand posts in absolute anger and frustration with our country’s climate only to THEN erase them to not offend or to carefully guard relationships of those who feel differently? Am I the only one who hears her Mom’s voice say “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all”? Seriously folks! I’m cat on a hot tin roof stressed out!

See, I believe, although I could be wrong, that I am one of probably 80% of the population that is quietly trying to keep peace, save families and friendships, and simply get through this insanity without blowing a fuse. It’s been a terrifically prickly year, hasn’t it? Like porcupine prickly. Reading some of the posts I see on social media, and reading and listening to a plethora of news (they call it news, but come on we know better) leaves me feeling like I am wearing a wool sweater in a Mississippi heat wave. I’m uncomfortable. Miserable, actually. But here’s the truth for most of us…

Hear us, world. We are the majority! We are BIG free speech lovers! We believe everyone’s voices should be heard. But those who are constantly screaming and attacking others, are quickly losing the argument and the audience. We shut down. We unfollow. We scan past your words. Whatever the belief, everyone needs to know the simple truth I am about to share. NOTHING YOU SAY WILL CHANGE ANOTHER’S MIND WHEN YOU ARE FLIPPING OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA OR ON THE NEWS!

So, what’s next for all of us? I sure would love to hear civil debate. I sure would love to see others listen. I sure would love to see posts that don’t involve profane language, “I told ya so’s” and hatred dripping from each word. I sure would love the news to be facts not slants. I sure would love for those reading this to take pause before pressing “post”.

Now, many may say “if they have a problem with my belief system or political views, that’s fine, who cares, good riddance”. But, to my readers I ask this. Are you okay with what’s next if you hurt or isolate someone who feels differently by your keyboard warrior attacks? Do you believe you are persuading others with your point of view or are you simply trying to voice your upset? Would you be good with your audience not being in your life tomorrow?

See, folks like me can totally deal with others who stand on opposing sides of issues. We even read some of the thoughtful and yet different points of view quite critically (meaning objectively reading and then analyzing them). However, let me share the meat and potatoes before I lose you as my audience. While we have opposing viewpoints, we are not the opposition. We are not the enemy. I’d dare to say that most of us don’t put our differences up as a relationship “yo or go”. But, we are exhausted with high anger/high energy/high judgment language. My large population group of exhausted friends and family just simply want civility. We want articulate discussions. We want the news of the day without the hype that is so colorful.

If this gives you pause, if your tummy is flipping a little bit as you read this, then maybe just maybe you could slow down, be discerning, love and appreciate others who simply feel differently, and post after a good 24 hours of careful tapping and backspacing your points.

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